Estimating the Explosion Time of Core-Collapse Supernovae from Their Optical Light Curves
Estimation of compact binary coalescense rates from short gamma-ray burst redshift measurements
Evidence for a Black Hole Remnant in the Type IIL Supernova 1979C
Evidence for a change in the X-ray radiation mechanism in the hard state of Galactic black holes
Evidence for a circum-nuclear and ionised absorber in the X-ray obscured BroadLine Radio Galaxy 3C 445
Evidence for a compact jet dominating the broadband spectrum of the black hole accretor XTE J1550-564
Evidence for a geomagnetic effect in the CODALEMA radio data
Evidence for a Massive Neutron Star from a Radial-Velocity Study of the Companion to the Black Widow Pulsar PSR B1957+20
Evidence for a maximum jet efficiency for the most powerful radio galaxies
Evidence for a proto-black hole and a double astrophysical component in GRB 101023
Evidence for a Stellar Disruption by an IMBH in an Extragalactic Globular Cluster
Evidence for a Truncated Accretion Disc in the Low Luminosity Seyfert Galaxy, NGC 7213?
Evidence for an anticorrelation between the duration of the shallow decay phase of GRB X-ray afterglows and redshift
Evidence for an axion-like particle from blazar spectra?
Evidence for an axion-like particle from PKS 1222+216?
Evidence for an Intermediate Mass Black Hole in NGC 5408 X-1
Evidence for Black Hole Growth in Local Analogs to Lyman Break Galaxies
Evidence for cosmic evolution in the spin of the most massive black holes
Evidence for Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Cassiopeia A
Evidence for crust cooling in the transiently accreting 11-Hz X-ray pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5