EM counterparts of recoiling black holes: general relativistic simulations of non-Keplerian discs
Emergence of High Peaks in the Axial Velocity for an Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Disk Configuration
Emergent Spectra From Disks Surrounding Kerr Black Holes: Effect of Photon Trapping and Disk Self-Shadowing
Emission geometry, radiation pattern, and magnetic topology of the magnetar XTE J1810-197 in its quiescent state
Emission line profiles and X-ray observations of Broad and Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Emission Patterns and Light Curves of Gamma-Rays in the Pulsar Magnetosphere with a Current-Induced Magnetic Field
Energetic axion-like particle production in galaxies
Energetic Constraints on a Rapid Gamma-Ray Flare in PKS 1222+216
Energetic Fermi/LAT GRB100414A: Energetic and Correlations
Energetic neutrinos from the Sun and Earth and dark matter substructure
Energetics of a black hole: constraints on the jet velocity and the nature of the X-ray emitting region in Cyg X-1
Energy and Xmax reconstruction of hadron-initiated showers in surface arrays
Energy dependent neutrino flavor ratios from cosmic accelerators on the Hillas plot
Energy Dependent time lags in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4593
Energy dissipation and angular momentum transfer within a magnetically torqued accretion disc
Energy Spectra of Abundant Nuclei of Primary Cosmic Rays from the Data of ATIC-2 Experiment: Final Results
Energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei at high energies
Energy spectra of primary and secondary cosmic-ray nuclei measured with TRACER
Energy spectrum and mass composition of primary cosmic radiation in the region above the knee from the GAMMA experiment
Energy spectrum of cosmic ray muons in ~ 100 TeV energy region reconstructed from the BUST data