Effects of Residue Background Events in Direct Detection Experiments on Determining Properties of Halo Dark Matter
Effects of Rotation on Pulsar Radio Profiles
Effects of Rotation on Stochasticity of Gravitational Waves in Nonlinear Phase of Core-Collapse Supernovae
Effects of Rotation on the Minimum Mass of Primordial Progenitors of Pair Instability Supernovae
Effects of rotochemical heating on the thermal evolution of superfluid neutron stars
Effects of Stress Evolution Process on the Thermal Stability of Thin Accretion Discs
Effects of the galactic magnetic field upon large scale anisotropies of extragalactic Cosmic Rays
Efficiency of internal shocks in magnetized relativistic jets
Efficiency of Magnetic to Kinetic Energy Conversion in a Monopole Magnetosphere
Efficient cosmic ray acceleration, hydrodynamics, and Self-consistent Thermal X-ray Emission applied to SNR RX J1713.7-3946
Efficient Generation of Jets from Magnetically Arrested Accretion on a Rapidly Spinning Black Hole
EGMF Constraints from Simultaneous GeV-TeV Observations of Blazars
Eight gamma-ray pulsars discovered in blind frequency searches of Fermi LAT data
Ejecta detection in the middle-aged Galactic supernova remnant G296.1-0.5 observed with Suzaku
Ejection and Capture Dynamics in Restricted Three-Body Encounters
Ejection of the corona at State transitions: a common behaviour in microquasars?
Electric charge estimation of a new-born black hole
Electromagnetic counterparts from counter-rotating relativistic kicked discs
Electromagnetic Counterparts of Compact Object Mergers Powered by the Radioactive Decay of R-process Nuclei
Electromagnetic Counterparts to Black Hole Mergers