Detailed Radio to Soft Gamma-ray Studies of the 2005 Outburst of the New X-ray Transient XTE J1818-245
Detailed Radio View on Two Stellar Explosions and Their Host Galaxy: XRF080109/SN2008D and SN2007uy in NGC2770
Detailed X-Ray Line Properties of Theta2 Ori A in Quiescence
Detectability of GRB optical afterglows with Gaia satellite
Detectability of low energy X-ray spectral components in type 1 AGN
Detectability of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray signatures in gamma rays
Detecting emission lines with XMM-Newton in 4U 1538-52
Detecting massive gravitons using pulsar timing arrays
Detecting neutrinos from black hole neutron stars mergers
Detecting the QCD phase transition in the next Galactic supernova neutrino burst
Detecting unresolved moving sources in a diffuse background
Detection of 3.3 Micron Aromatic Feature in the Supernova Remnant N49 with AKARI
Detection of a spectral break in the extra hard component of GRB 090926A
Detection of a Thermal Spectral Component in the Prompt Emission of GRB 100724B
Detection of A Transient X-ray Absorption Line Intrinsic to the BL Lacertae Object H 2356-309
Detection of an orbital period in the supergiant high mass X-ray binary IGR J16465$-$4507 with Swift-BAT
Detection of an X-ray Pulsation for the Gamma-ray Pulsar Centered in CTA 1
Detection of continuum radio emission associated with Geminga
Detection of Extended VHE Gamma Ray Emission from G106.3+2.7 with VERITAS
Detection of Gamma Rays From a Starburst Galaxy