CANGAROO-III observation of TeV gamma rays from the unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1614-518
CANGAROO-III Observation of TeV Gamma Rays from the vicinity of PSR B1 706-44
CANGAROO-III search for TeV Gamma-rays from two clusters of galaxies
Catching GRBs with atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
Cen A as gamma- and UHE cosmic-ray Source
Cen A as TeV gamma-ray and possible UHE cosmic-ray source
Cen A persistence and Virgo absence versus updated maps to understand UHECR nature
Centaurus A at Hard X-rays and Soft Gamma-rays
Centaurus A at Ultra-High Energies
Centaurus A: the one extragalactic source of cosmic rays with energies above the knee
Challenging GRB models through the broadband dataset of GRB060908
Challenging the high-energy emission zone in FSRQs
ChaMPlane Deep Galactic Bulge Survey. I. Faint accretion-driven binaries in the Limiting Window
Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33): The enigmatic X-ray emission from IC131
Chandra and ROSAT observations of Abell 194: detection of an X-ray cavity and mapping the dynamics of the cluster
Chandra and RXTE Observations of 1E 1547.0-5408: Comparing the 2008 and 2009 Outbursts
Chandra and Suzaku observations of the Be/X-ray star HD110432
Chandra and Swift Follow-up Observations of the Intermediate Mass Black Hole in ESO243-49
Chandra detection of a parsec scale wind in the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382
Chandra detection of diffuse X-ray emission from the globular cluster Terzan 5