Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in the medium of irregular galaxy
Cosmic-Ray Electron Excess from Pulsars is Spiky or Smooth?: Continuous and Multiple Electron/Positron injections
Cosmic-ray electron injection from the ionization of nuclei
Cosmic-Ray Induced Diffuse Emissions from the Milky Way and Local Group Galaxies
Cosmic-ray origin in OB associations and preferential acceleration of refractory elements: Evidence from abundances of elements 26Fe through 34Se
Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra from the First CREAM Flight
Cosmic-ray-induced ionization in molecular clouds adjacent to supernova remnants - Tracing hadonic origin of GeV gamma radiation
Cosmogenic gamma-rays and the composition of cosmic rays
Cosmogenic Neutrinos: parameter space and detectabilty from PeV to ZeV
Cosmogenic photons as a test of ultra-high energy cosmic ray composition
Cosmological and intrinsic properties of gamma ray bursts
Cosmology with Gamma-Ray Bursts Using k-correction
Could bright gamma-ray burst optical transients have been recorded historically?
Could Cosmic Rays Affect Instabilities in the Transition Layer of Nonrelativistic Collisionless Shocks?
Could the compact remnant of SN 1987A be a quark star?
Could the GRB-Supernovae GRB 031203 and XRF 060218 be Cosmic Twins?
Counterpart candidates to the unidentified Fermi source 0FGL J1848.6-0138
Coupled HBO and NBO variations in the Z source GX 5-1: inner accretion disk as the location of QPOs
Coupling between QPOs and broadband noise components in GRS 1915+105
CR electrons and positrons: what we have learned in the latest three years and future perspectives