Antiprotons from dark matter annihilation in the Galaxy: astrophysical uncertainties
Antiprotons from Dark Matter: Effects of a Position-Dependent Diffusion Coefficient
Apart Cen A are UHECR mostly heavy radioactive and galactic nuclei?
Appearance of Jet-Driving Poynting Flux in Hot, Tenuous Accretion Disks Threaded by an Ordered Magnetic Field
Application of the Disk Evaporation Model to AGNs
Applications of muon signal to electromagnetic signal showers universality for mass composition and hadronic interactions studies
Applying the Jet Feedback Mechanism to Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions
Are all short-hard gamma-ray bursts produced from mergers of compact stellar objects?
Are AXPs/SGRs magnetars?
Are Gamma-Ray Bursts the Sources of the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays?
Are GeV and TeV spectra connected? the case of Galactic gamma-ray sources
Are GRB 090423 and Similar bursts due to Superconducting Cosmic strings?
Are GRB optical afterglows relatively brighter at high z?
Are low luminosity GRBs generated by relativistic jets?
Are T Tauri stars gamma-ray emitters?
Are the two peaks of the Cathedral QPO real harmonics?
ARGO-YBJ Highlights
Arrival Directions of Ultrahigh Energy Showers Arrival Directions of Ultrahigh Energy Showers
Aspherical Supernova Shock Breakout and the Observations of Supernova 2008D
Assessing black hole spin in deep Suzaku observations of Seyfert 1 AGN