A constant characteristic mass for star forming galaxies since z~3 revealed by radio emission in the COSMOS field
A constant dark matter halo surface density in galaxies
A constant limiting mass scale for flat early-type galaxies from z=1 to z=0: density evolves but shapes do not
A Constant Molecular Gas Depletion Time in Nearby Disk Galaxies
A Constraint on Planck-scale Modifications to Electrodynamics with CMB polarization data
A Constraint On the Integrated Mass Power Spectrum out to z = 1100 from Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background
A continuum of structure and stellar content from Virgo cluster early-type dwarfs to giants?
A coordinate-independent technique for detecting globally inhomogeneous flat topologies
A Correction in the Cosmological Parallax--Distance Formula
A correlation between the spectral and timing properties of AGN
A Cosmic Coincidence: The Power-Law Galaxy Correlation Function
A cosmic speed-trap: a gravity-independent test of cosmic acceleration using baryon acoustic oscillations
A Cosmic Variance Cookbook
A cosmic-ray dominated ISM in Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies: new initial conditions for star formation
A cosmological concordance model with dynamical vacuum term
A cosmological independent calibration of the Ep,i-Eiso correlation for Gamma Ray Bursts
A Cosmology Forecast Toolkit -- CosmoLib
A Counterpart to the Radial Orbit Instability in Triaxial Stellar Systems
A covariant approach to general field space metric in multi-field inflation
A critical analysis of high-redshift, massive galaxy clusters: I