A complete 3D numerical study of the effects of pseudoscalar-photon mixing on quasar polarizations
A complete census of AGN and their hosts from optical surveys?
A complete sample of 21-cm absorbers at z~1.3: Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Survey Using MgII Systems
A complete sample of bright Swift Long Gamma-Ray Bursts: Sample presentation, Luminosity Function and evolution
A complete view of galaxy evolution: panchromatic luminosity functions and the generation of metals
A complex stellar line-of-sight velocity distribution in the lenticular galaxy NGC 524
A composite K-band Luminosity Function for Cluster Galaxies
A Comprehensive Analysis of Uncertainties Affecting the Stellar Mass - Halo Mass Relation for 0<z<4
A comprehensive approach to analyzing the XMM-Newton data of Seyfert 1 galaxies
A comprehensive classification of galaxies in the SDSS: How to tell true from fake AGN?
A Comprehensive GALEX Ultraviolet Catalog of Star Clusters in M31 and a Study of the Young Clusters
A comprehensive overview of the Cold Spot
A Comprehensive Study of Large Scale Structures in the GOODS-SOUTH Field up to z \sim 2.5
A Comprehensive View of a Strongly Lensed Planck-Associated Submillimeter Galaxy
A Compressed Sensing Approach to 3D Weak Lensing
A Compton-thick AGN at z~5 in the 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field South
A connection between star formation activity and cosmic rays in the starburst galaxy M 82
A conservation-based method for simulating the inspiral of binary black holes
A Consistent Comparison of Bias Models using Observational Data
A Consistent Test of the Distance-Duality Relation with Galaxy Clusters and Type Ia Supernave