A Spectroscopic Search for Leaking Lyman Continuum at z~0.7
A Spectroscopic Study of the H-alpha Surface Brightness Profiles in the Outer Disks of Galaxies
A spectroscopic survey of EC4, an Extended Cluster in Andromeda's halo
A Spectroscopically Confirmed Excess of 24 micron Sources in a Super Galaxy Group at z=0.37: Enhanced Dusty Star Formation Relative to the Cluster and Field Environment
A Spitzer high resolution mid-infrared spectral atlas of starburst galaxies
A Spitzer Unbiased Ultradeep Spectroscopic Survey
A Spitzer-Selected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.62
A SQUID-based microwave cavity search for dark-matter axions
A Star in the M31 Giant Stream: the Highest Negative Stellar Velocity Known
A statistical analysis of the late-type stellar content in the Andromeda halo
A statistical analysis of the Two Dimensional XMM-Newton Group Survey: The impact of feedback on group properties
A statistical investigation of the radio emission of clusters : role of AGNs
A statistical study of the luminosity gap in galaxy groups
A statistical-mechanical explanation of dark matter halo properties
A statistically-selected Chandra sample of 20 galaxy clusters -- II. Gas properties and cool-core/non-cool core bimodality
A Strange Mènage Á Trois
A Strategy to Measure the Dark Energy Equation of State using the HII galaxy Hubble Relation & X-ray AGN Clustering: Preliminary Results
A Strong Dichotomy in S0 Disk Profiles Between the Virgo Cluster and the Field
A strong excess in the 20-100 keV emission of NGC 1365
A strong redshift dependence of the broad absorption line quasar fraction