A search for water maser emission in nearby low-luminosity QSO host galaxies
A Search for X-Ray Reionization Signatures from Cross-Correlation of Wmap and ROSAT Rass Data
A Search for Young Stars in the S0 Galaxies of a Super-Group at z=0.37
A Search for z=7.3 Lyα Emitters behind Gravitationally Lensing Clusters
A Second Set of RATAN-600 Observations of Giant Radio Galaxies
A Second-order bias model for the Logarithmic Halo Mass Density
A self-contained guide to the CMB Gibbs sampler
A semi-analytic model comparison - gas cooling and galaxy mergers
A semi-analytic model of the turbulent multi-phase interstellar medium
A Semi-analytic Ray-tracing Algorithm for Weak Lensing
A semi-analytical approach to perturbations in mutated hilltop inflation
A semi-empirical library of galaxy spectra for Gaia classification based on SDSS data and PEGASE models
A Series Solution to the Luminosity Distance in a Flat LCDM Universe
A shock front in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 754: X-ray and radio observations
A Signature of Cosmic Strings Wakes in the CMB Polarization
A signature of the internal reionisation of the Milky Way?
A simple connection between the near- and mid-infrared emission of galaxies and their star-formation rates
A Simple Empirically Motivated Template for the Unresolved Thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect
A Simple Isolation Criterion based on 3D Redshift Space Mapping
A Simple Likelihood Method for Quasar Target Selection