A Revised Parallel-Sequence Morphological Classification of Galaxies: Structure and Formation of S0 and Spheroidal Galaxies
A revision of the X-ray absorption nature of the BALQSOs
A Robust Approach to Constraining Dark Matter from Gamma-Ray Data
A robust constraint on cosmic textures from the cosmic microwave background
A Robust Determination of the size of quasar accretion disks using gravitational microlensing
A Robust Distance Measurement and Dark Energy Constraints from the Spherically-Averaged Correlation Function of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Luminous Red Galaxies
A robust sample of galaxies at redshifts 6.0<z<8.7: stellar populations, star-formation rates and stellar masses
A robust upper limit on N_eff from BBN, circa 2011
A Runaway Black Hole in COSMOS: Gravitational Wave or Slingshot Recoil?
A SAURON study of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
A scalar field dark matter model and its role in the large scale structure formation in the Universe
A Scale-Dependent Power Asymmetry from Isocurvature Perturbations
A Scaling Relation Between Megamaser Disk Radius and Black Hole Mass in Active Galactic Nuclei
A Scaling Relation of the Evolving Tidal Fields in a LCDM Cosmology
A search for 21 cm HI absorption in AT20G compact radio galaxies
A search for AGN in the most extreme UV-selected starbursts using the European VLBI Network
A Search for Binary Active Galactic Nuclei: Double-Peaked [OIII] AGN in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
A search for concentric circles in the 7-year WMAP temperature sky maps
A search for diffuse radio emission in the relaxed, cool-core galaxy clusters A1068, A1413, A1650, A1835, A2029, and Ophiuchus
A search for directional violations of the Lorentz invariance through the study of a possible asymmetry of particle lifetimes