3D Reconstruction of the Density Field: An SVD Approach to Weak Lensing Tomography
3D Spectroscopic Observations of Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies
3D spectroscopic study of galactic rings: formation and kinematics
3D spectroscopic surveys: Exploring galaxy evolution mechanisms
3D spectroscopy of dwarf elliptical galaxies
3D Spectroscopy of Local Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies: Kinematic Maps of a Sample of 22 Objects
3D Spectroscopy of Local Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies: Kinematics of NGC 7673
3D spectroscopy of merger Seyfert galaxy Mrk 334: nuclear starburst, superwind and the circumnuclear cavern
3D Spherical Analysis of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
3D Velocity and Density Reconstructions of the Local Universe with Cosmicflows-1
3D-HST: A wide-field grism spectroscopic survey with the Hubble Space Telescope
3D-Matched-Filter Galaxy Cluster Finder I: Selection Functions and CFHTLS Deep Clusters
3D-MHD simulations of the evolution of magnetic fields in FR II radio sources
3D-structure of the Canes Venatici I Cloud
3DEX: a code for fast spherical Fourier-Bessel decomposition of 3D surveys
4098 galaxy clusters to z~0.6 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey equatorial Stripe 82
4C 02.27: what is inside a double-double radio quasar?
4C02.27: a quasar with episodic activity?
58 Radio Sources Near Bright Natural Guide Stars
A (giant) void is not mandatory to explain away dark energy with a Lemaitre - Tolman model