A Photometric Catalog of 77 Newly-recognized Star Clusters in M31
A Photometric Redshift of z ~ 9.4 for GRB 090429B
A photometric study of the field around the candidate recoiling/binary black hole SDSS J092712.65+294344.0
A physical model for the origin of the diffuse cosmic infrared background
A Physical Model for z~2 Dust Obscured Galaxies
A Physical Model of FeLoBALs: Implications for Quasar Feedback
A Physical Model of Lyman Alpha Emitters
A Pilot Search for Population III Supernova Candidates in the Spitzer/IRAC Dark Field
A Pilot Study for the SCUBA-2 'All-Sky' Survey
A Plethora of AGN Among Lyman Alpha Galaxies at Low Redshift
A polar+equatorial wind model for broad absorption line quasars: I. Fitting the C IV BAL profiles
A Polytropic Approach to Semi-relativistic Isothermal Gas Spheres at Arbitrary Temperature
A Population of Compact Elliptical Galaxies Detected with the Virtual Observatory
A Population of Metal-Poor Galaxies with ~L* Luminosities at Intermediate Redshifts
A Population of X-ray Weak Quasars: PHL 1811 Analogs at High Redshift
A Possible Detection of the Cosmic Antineutrino Background in the Presence of Flavor Effects
A possible physical connection between helium-rich stellar populations of massive globular clusters and the UV upturn of galactic spheroids
A possible signature of cosmic neutrino decoupling in the nHz region of the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves
A possible solution to the [alpha/Fe]-sigma problem in early type galaxies within a hierarchical galaxy formation model
A Powerful AGN Outburst in RBS 797