A New Window on Primordial non-Gaussianity
A new z=0 metagalactic UV background limit
A newly discovered DLA and associated Ly-alpha emission in the spectra of the gravitationally lensed quasar UM 673A,B
A Next Generation Deep 2 micron Survey: Reconnoitering the Dark Ages
A non-hydrodynamical model for acceleration of line-driven winds in Active Galactic Nuclei
A non-ideal MHD Gadget: Simulating massive galaxy clusters
A non-linear approximation for perturbations in ΛCDM
A Non-Parametric Estimate of Mass 'Scoured' in Galaxy Cores
A Non-thermal WIMP Miracle
A note about the back-reaction of inhomogeneities on the expansion of the Universe
A Note on Calm Excited States of Inflation
A note on observational signatures in superluminal unified dark matter models
A note on perfect scalar fields
A note on second-order perturbations of non-canonical scalar fields
A Note on the Consistency Condition of Primordial Fluctuations
A note on the equivalence of a barotropic perfect fluid with a K-essence scalar field
A Note on the Inverse Problem with LTB Universes
A note on the role of the boundary terms for the non-Gaussianity in general k-inflation
A note on the Weibel instability and thermal fluctuations
A novel approach for accurate radiative transfer in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations