A new perspective on globular clusters, their initial mass function, and their contribution to the stellar halo and to cosmic reionisation
A new perspective on the submillimetre galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 from radio continuum imaging
A New Probe of Dark Matter and High-Energy Universe Using Microlensing
A New Probe of the Distribution of Dark Matter in Galaxies
A new probe of the small-scale primordial power spectrum: astrometric microlensing by ultracompact minihalos
A New Radio Loudness Diagnostic for Active Galaxies: a Radio-To-Mid-Infrared Parameter
A new search for distant radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere -- II. 2.2 micron imaging
A new search for distant radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere -- III. Optical spectroscopy and analysis of the MRCR--SUMSS sample
A new signature of primordial non-Gaussianities from the abundance of galaxy clusters
A New Statistic for Analyzing Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
A new stochastic approach to cumulative weak lensing
A new technique to efficiently select Compton-thick AGN
A New Test of the Statistical Nature of the Brightest Cluster Galaxies
A new third-order cosmic shear statistics: Separating E/B-mode correlations on a finite interval
A new Tolman test of a cosmic distance duality relation at 21 cm
A new tool to determine masses and mass profiles using gravitational flexion
A New Type of Dark Energy Model
A new type of scalar field inflation
A new view on the ISM of galaxies: far-infrared and submillimetre spectroscopy with Herschel
A New Window into Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background