A New Approach to Multi-wavelength Associations of Astronomical Sources
A new approach to obtaining cluster mass from Sunyaev--Zel'dovich Effect observations
A New Approach to Probing Minkowski Functionals
A New Approach to Probing Primordial Non-Gaussianity
A New Approach to Systematic Uncertainties and Self-Consistency in Helium Abundance Determinations
A new approach to the vacuum of inflationary models
A New Calculation of the Ionizing Background Spectrum and the Effects of HeII Reionization
A new candidate for probing Population III nucleosynthesis with carbon-enhanced damped Lyman-alpha systems
A New Catalog of HII Regions in M31
A new catalogue of polar-ring galaxies selected from the SDSS
A New Cepheid Distance to the Giant Spiral M101 Based On Image Subtraction of HST/ACS Observations
A New Collisional Ring Galaxy at z = 0.111: Auriga's Wheel
A new cosmic shear function: Optimised E-/B-mode decomposition on a finite interval
A new cosmological distance measure using AGN
A New Diagnostic of Active Galactic Nuclei: Revealing Highly-Absorbed Systems at Redshift>0.3
A New Distance to M33 Using Blue Supergiants and the FGLR Method
A New Empirical Method to Infer the Starburst History of the Universe from Local Galaxy Properties
A New Equation of State for Dark Energy Model
A New Era in Extragalactic Background Light Measurements: The Cosmic History of Accretion, Nucleosynthesis and Reionization
A New Exponential Gravity