A Multiwavelength Study of a Young, Z-shaped, FR I Radio Galaxy NGC 3801
A Multiwavelength Study of Binary Quasars and Their Environments
A multiwavelength study of near- and mid-infrared selected galaxies at high redshift: ERGs, AGN-identification and the contribution from dust
A multiwavelength study of the IRAS Deep Survey galaxy sample III. Spectral classification and dynamical properties
A Multiwavelength Study on the Fate of Ionizing Radiation in Local Starbursts
A natural origin of primordial density perturbations
A near-infrared excess in the continuum of high-redshift galaxies: a tracer of star formation and circumstellar disks?
A near-infrared morphological comparison of high-redshift submm and radio galaxies: massive star-forming discs vs relaxed spheroids
A Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Survey of K-selected Galaxies at z ~ 2.3: Comparison of Stellar Population Synthesis Codes and Constraints from the Rest-frame NIR
A near-infrared study of AGB and red giant stars in the Leo I dSph galaxy
A Near-Infrared Template Derived from I Zw 1 for the FeII Emission in Active Galaxies
A near-IR study of the host galaxies of 2Jy radio sources at 0.03 < z < 0.5: I - the data
A Nearby Analog of z~2 Compact Quiescent Galaxies with a Rotating Disk
A nearby GRB host galaxy: VLT/X-shooter observations of HG 031203
A nearby GRB host prototype for z~7 Lyman-break galaxies: Spitzer-IRS and X-shooter spectroscopy of the host galaxy of GRB031203
A needlet ILC analysis of WMAP 7-year data: estimation of CMB temperature map and power spectrum
A needlet ILC analysis of WMAP 7-year polarisation data: CMB polarisation power spectra
A new apparent quasar pair: Q2225-403A,B
A new approach to cosmological perturbations in f(R) models
A new approach to modified-gravity models