A Measurement of the Damping Tail of the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum with the South Pole Telescope
A Measurement of the Rate of Type Ia Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey
A merger mystery: no extended radio emission in the merging cluster Abell 2146
A metallicity-spin temperature relation in damped Lyman-$α$ systems
A Method for 21cm Power Spectrum Estimation in the Presence of Foregrounds
A Method for Individual Source Brightness Estimation in Single- and Multi-band Data
A Method for Measuring (Slopes of) the Mass Profiles of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
A Method for Measuring the Bias of High-Redshift Galaxies from Cosmic Variance
A Method for Measuring Variations in the Stellar Initial Mass Function
A method for setting upper limits to the extragalactic background light with Fermi-LAT and TeV observations of blazars
A method to extract the redshift distortions beta parameter in configuration space from minimal cosmological assumptions
A method to resolve the nuclear activity in galaxies, as applied to NGC1358
A microlensing measurement of dark matter fractions in three lensing galaxies
A Mid-Infrared Indicator for Total Infrared Luminosity and Star Formation Rate of Local and High-Redshift Galaxies
A mid-IR study of Hickson Compact Groups I : Probing the Effects of Environment in Galaxy Interactions
A mid-IR study of Hickson Compact Groups II. Multi-wavelength analysis of the complete GALEX-Spitzer Sample
A MIKE + UVES survey of Sub-Damped Lyman-Alpha Systems at z<1.5
A minimal set of invariants as a systematic approach to higher order gravity models: Physical and Cosmological Constraints
A minor merger origin for stellar inner discs and rings in spiral galaxies
A minor-merger origin for inner disks and rings in early-type galaxies