A Lyα blob and zabs {\approx} zem damped Lyα absorber in the dark matter halo of the binary quasar Q 0151+048
A Magellan-IMACS-IFU Search for Dynamical Drivers of Nuclear Activity. I. Reduction Pipeline and Galaxy Catalog
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Study on Dark Matter Property Related to the Cosmic e$^{\pm}$ Excesses
A massive disk galaxy at z>3 along the sightline of QSO 1508+5714
A Massive Molecular Gas Reservoir in the z=5.3 Submillimeter Galaxy AzTEC-3
A massive proto-cluster of galaxies at a redshift of z {\approx} 5.3
A Matched Catalogue of z> 5.9 Galaxies in the WFC3 Hubble Ultra Deep Field
A matter-dominated cosmological model with variable $G$ and $Λ$. Confrontation of theoretical predictions with observational data
A mature cluster with X-ray emission at z=2.07
A Mature Dusty Star-forming Galaxy Hosting GRB080607 at z=3.036
A Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Low-Energy CDMS Data
A Maximum Stellar Surface Density in Dense Stellar Systems
A measure on the set of compact Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker models
A Measurement of Arcminute Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array
A Measurement of Cubic-Order Primordial Non-Gaussianity (g_{NL} and τ_{NL}) With WMAP 5-Year Data
A measurement of gravitational lensing of the microwave background using South Pole Telescope data
A Measurement of Primordial Non-Gaussianity Using WMAP 5-Year Temperature Skewness Power Spectrum
A measurement of secondary cosmic microwave background anisotropies with two years of South Pole Telescope observations
A Measurement of Small Scale Structure in the 2.2 < z < 4.2 Lyman-alpha Forest
A Measurement of the Correlation of Galaxy Surveys with CMB Lensing Convergence Maps from the South Pole Telescope