A Glimpse of the First Galaxies
A GMBCG Galaxy Cluster Catalog of 55,424 Rich Clusters from SDSS DR7
A GPU-Enabled, High-Resolution Cosmological Microlensing Parameter Survey
A gradient expansion for cosmological backreaction
A Grand Design for Galaxy Clusters: Connections and Predictions
A gravitational lensing explanation for the excess of strong Mg-II absorbers in GRB afterglow spectra
A gravitationally lensed water maser in the early Universe
A ground-based 21cm Baryon acoustic oscillation survey
A Groundbased Imaging Study of Galaxies Causing DLA, subDLA, and LLS Absorption in Quasar Spectra
A Gunn-Peterson test with a QSO at z=6.4
A Halo Expansion (HEX) Technique for Approximating Simulated Dark Matter Haloes
A halo model for intrinsic alignments of galaxy ellipticities
A Halo Model of Local IRAS Galaxies Selected at 60 Micron Using Conditional Luminosity Functions
A Halo Model with Environment Dependence: Theoretical Considerations
A Heliosheath Model for the Origin of the CMB non-Monopole Spectrum
A Herschel view of the far-infrared properties of submillimetre galaxies
A Heuristic Prediction of the Cosmic Evolution of the CO-Luminosity Functions
A hidden radio halo in A1682?
A hierarchy of voids: More ado about nothing
A High Fidelity Sample of Cold Front Clusters from the Chandra Archive