A galaxy as the source of a Civ absorption system close to the epoch of reionization
A Galaxy Merger Scenario for the NGC 1550 Galaxy from Metal Distributions in the X-ray Emitting Plasma
A galaxy populations study of a radio-selected protocluster at z~3.1
A GALEX Ultraviolet Imaging Survey of Galaxies in the Local Volume
A GALEX/Spitzer survey of the Cl0016+16 supercluster at z=0.55: acceleration of the onset of star-formation in satellite groups
A Galileon Design of Slow Expansion
A Gaseous Group with Unusual Remote Star Formation
A gauge-invariant approach to interactions in the dark sector
A GBT Survey for HI 21 cm Absorption in the Disks and Halos of Low-Redshift Galaxies
A general proof of the equivalence between the δN and covariant formalisms
A General Study of the Influence of Catastrophic Photometric Redshift Errors on Cosmology with Cosmic Shear Tomography
A generalized equation of state for dark energy
A generalized growth index parametrization: Applications to the $Λ$CDM using the {\em WiggleZ} growth data
A generalized local ansatz and its effect on halo bias
A geometrical approach to nonlinear perturbations in relativistic cosmology
A geometrical model for the catalogs of galaxies
A giant radio halo in the low luminosity X-ray cluster Abell 523
A giant radio halo in the massive and merging cluster Abell 1351
A giant radio jet of very unusual polarization in a single-lobed radio galaxy
A glimpse of the end of the dark ages: the gamma-ray burst of 23 April 2009 at redshift 8.3