A dichotomy in radio jet orientations in elliptical galaxies
A Different Approach to Galaxy Evolution
A Different Look at Dark Energy and the Time Variation of Fundamental Constants
A diffuse bubble-like radio-halo source MRC 0116+111: imprint of AGN feedback in a low-mass cluster of galaxies
A dipole anisotropy of galaxy distribution: Does the CMB rest-frame exist in the local universe?
A Direct Detection of Gas Accretion: The Lyman Limit System in 3C 232
A direct limit on the turbulent velocity of the intracluster medium in the core of Abell 1835 from XMM-Newton
A direct measurement of hierarchical growth in galaxy groups since z~1
A Direct Measurement of the IGM Opacity to HI Ionizing Photons
A Displaced Supermassive Black Hole in M87
A distortion of very--high--redshift galaxy number counts by gravitational lensing
A diversity of progenitors and histories for isolated spiral galaxies
A double radio halo in the close pair of galaxy clusters Abell 399 and Abell 401
A double radio relic in the merging galaxy cluster ZwCl 0008.8+5215
A doubled double hotspot in J0816+5003 and the logarithmic slope of the lensing potential
A downturn in intergalactic CIV as redshift 6 is approached
A dozen new galaxies caught in the act: Gas stripping and extended emission line regions in the Coma cluster
A Dusty Mg~II absorber Associated with the Quasar SDSS J003545.13+011441.2
A dynamical mass estimator for high z galaxies based on spectroastrometry
A Dynamical Model of the Local Group