A Deep HST Search for Escaping Lyman Continuum Flux at z~1.3: Evidence for an Evolving Ionizing Emissivity
A deep look at the inner regions of the mini-BAL QSO PG 1126-041 with XMM-Newton
A Deep Photometric Look at Two of Andromeda's Dwarf Spheroidals: X and XVII
A deep radio and X-ray view of cluster formation at the crossroads of filaments
A deep radio survey of the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Field - WSRT 20 cm Radio survey description, observations and data reduction
A deep search for CO J=2-1 emission from a Lyman-Alpha blob at z~6.595
A deep search for the host galaxies of GRBs with no detected optical afterglow
A deep spectroscopic study of the filamentary nebulosity in NGC4696, the brightest cluster galaxy in the Centaurus cluster
A deep view on the Virgo cluster core
A Deep VLA Radio Continuum Study of the Core and Outskirts of the Coma Cluster
A Deeper Look at Leo IV: Star Formation History and Extended Structure
A Definitive Survey for Lyman Limit Systems at z~3.5 with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
A Density Independent Formulation of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
A Description of Quasar Variability Measured Using Repeated SDSS and POSS Imaging
A detailed statistical analysis of the mass profiles of galaxy clusters
A Detailed Study of Photometric Redshifts for GOODS-South Galaxies
A Detailed Study of the Lobes of Eleven Powerful Radio Galaxies
A detailed view of filaments and sheets in the warm-hot intergalactic medium. I. Pancake formation
A Detection of Weak Lensing Magnification using Galaxy Sizes and Magnitudes
A determination of dark matter bispectrum with a large set of N-body simulations