Wheels of Fire IV. Star Formation and the Neutral Interstellar Medium in the Ring Galaxy AM0644-741
When are extremely metal-deficient galaxies extremely metal-deficient?
When galaxies collide: understanding the broad absorption-line radio galaxy 4C +72.26
When Is Secular Evolution Important?
When Should We Treat Galaxies as Isolated?
When two become one: an apparent QSO pair turns out to be a single quasar
When was the Large Magellanic Cloud accreted onto the Galaxy ?
Where are the Fossils of the First Galaxies? I. Local Volume Maps and Properties of the Undetected Dwarfs
Where are the Fossils of the First Galaxies? II. True Fossils, Ghost Halos, and the Missing Bright Satellites
Where are the missing baryons in clusters?
Where are the Walls?
Where do Wet, Dry, and Mixed Galaxy Mergers Occur? A Study of the Environments of Close Galaxy Pairs in the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey
Where stars form and live at high redshift: clues from the infrared
Where the Wild Things Are: Observational Constraints on Black Holes' Growth
Where will Einstein fail? Lessons for gravity and cosmology
Where will supersymmetric dark matter first be seen?
Which FLRW comoving 3-manifold is preferred observationally and theoretically?
Which galaxies host bars and disks? A study of the Coma cluster
Which galaxy property is the best indicator of its host dark matter halo properties?
Which halos host Herschel-ATLAS galaxies in the local Universe?