Unveiling the Sigma-Discrepancy in IR-Luminous Mergers I: Dust & Dynamics
Unveiling the three-dimensional structure of galaxy clusters: resolving the discrepancy between X-ray and lensing masses
Updated CMB constraints on Dark Matter annihilation cross-sections
Updated constraints on the cosmic string tension
Updating quasar bolometric luminosity corrections
Upper Bound of 0.28 eV on the Neutrino Masses from the Largest Photometric Redshift Survey
Upper End IMF Variations Deduced from HI-Selected Galaxies
Upper Limit on Dimming of Cosmological Sources by Intergalactic Grey Dust from the Soft X-ray Background
Use of delta N formalism - Difficulties in generating large local-type non-Gaussianity during inflation -
Using 21cm Absorption in Small Impact Parameter Galaxy-QSO Pairs to Probe Low-Redshift Damped and Sub-Damped Lyman-alpha System
Using a phenomenological model to test the coincidence problem of dark energy
Using Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to Extend CMB Probes of Neutrino Physics
Using clusters in SZE + x-ray surveys as an ensemble of rulers to constrain cosmology
Using CMB data to constrain non-isotropic Planck-scale modifications to Electrodynamics
Using CMB lensing to constrain the multiplicative bias of cosmic shear
Using Dark Matter Haloes to Learn about Cosmic Acceleration: A New Proposal for a Universal Mass Function
Using double radio relics to constrain galaxy cluster mergers: A model of double radio relics in CIZA J2242.8+5301
Using dwarf satellite proper motions to determine their origin
Using Faraday Rotation Gradients to probe Magnetic Tower Models
Using Faraday Rotation to Probe MHD Instabilities in Intracluster Media