Testing MOND in the Solar System
Testing MOND/TEVES with LISA Pathfinder
Testing Multi-Field Inflation: A Geometric Approach
Testing nonstandard cosmological models with SNLS3 supernova data and other cosmological probes
Testing of MOND with Local Group Timing
Testing of the dwarf galaxy content and the evolutionary status of nearby groups of galaxies
Testing Oscillating Primordial Spectrum and Oscillating Dark Energy with Astronomical Observations
Testing Parity-Violating Mechanisms with Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments
Testing Radiation Pressure Corrections to Reverberation Mapping Masses
Testing spectral models for stellar populations with star clusters: I. Methodology
Testing spectral models for stellar populations with star clusters: II. Results
Testing Standard Cosmology with Large Scale Structure
Testing standard perturbation theory and the Eulerian local biasing scheme against N-body simulations
Testing stellar population synthesis models with Sloan Digital Sky Survey colors of M31's globular clusters
Testing Strict Hydrostatic Equilibrium in Simulated Clusters of Galaxies: Implications to Abell 1689
Testing Subhalo Abundance Matching in Cosmological Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations
Testing tests on AGN microvariability
Testing the (generalized) Chaplygin gas model with the Lookback time-Redshift data
Testing the AGN Unification Model in the Infrared
Testing the Consistence of Gamma Ray Burst Data-set and Supernovae Union2