Reynolds numbers in the early Universe
Ricci focusing, shearing, and the expansion rate in an almost homogeneous Universe
Richness Dependence of the Recent Evolution of Clusters of Galaxies
Riding the wake of a merging galaxy cluster
Rigging dark halos: why is hierarchical galaxy formation consistent with the inside-out build-up of thin discs?
Rindler force at large distances
Ring galaxies from off-centre collisions
Ring-like features in directional dark matter detection
Rings and bars: unmasking secular evolution of galaxies
Rings and spirals in barred galaxies. II. Ring and spiral morphology
Rings and spirals in barred galaxies. III. Further comparisons and links to observations
Rip/singularity free cosmology models with bulk viscosity
Rms variability properties of the iron K alpha line in Seyfert galaxies
Robust constraints on dark energy and gravity from galaxy clustering data
Robust limit on a varying proton-to-electron mass ratio from a single H2 system
Robust Optical Richness Estimation with Reduced Scatter
Robustness to systematics for future dark energy probes
Rogues' gallery: the full freedom of the Bianchi CMB anomalies
Role of Galaxy Mergers in Cosmic Star Formation History
Role of Massive Radiation Pressure in the Early Universe