Parameter Estimation from Improved Measurements of the CMB from QUaD
Parameterization Effects in the analysis of AMI Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Observations
Parameterizing and Measuring Dark Energy Trajectories from Late-Inflatons
Parameterizing scalar-tensor theories for cosmological probes
Parameters and pitfalls in dark energy models with time varying equation of state
Parameters of SUSY-Hybrid Inflation and the Process of Preheating
Parametric tension between even and odd multipole data of WMAP power spectrum: unaccounted contamination or missing parameters?
Parametrised modified gravity and the CMB Bispectrum
Parametrising arbitrary galaxy morphologies: potentials and pitfalls
Parametrization for the Scale Dependent Growth in Modified Gravity
Parity Asymmetry in the CMBR Temperature Power Spectrum
Parity in the CMB: Space Oddity
Parity violation in the Cosmic Microwave Background from a pseudoscalar inflaton
Parity Violation of Gravitons in the CMB Bispectrum
Parity violation of primordial magnetic fields in the CMB bispectrum
Parkes HI observations of galaxies behind the southern Milky Way. II. The Crux and Great Attractor regions (l ~ 289 degree to 338 degree)
Parsec Scale Properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies
Parsec structure and properties of the jet of 3C273. Results of Space VLBI data processing
Parsec-scale dust distributions in Seyfert galaxies - Results of the MIDI AGN snapshot survey
Parsec-scale Imaging of the Radio-bubble Seyfert galaxy NGC 6764