Origin of the 12um Emission Across Galaxy Populations from WISE and SDSS Surveys
Origin of the complex radio structure in BAL QSO 1045+352
Origin of the Cosmic Network: Nature vs Nurture
Origin of the unusually low nitrogen abundances in young populations of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Origins of the extragalactic background at 1mm from a combined analysis of the AzTEC and MAMBO data in GOODS-N
Origins, Structure, and Inflows of m=1 Modes in Quasi-Keplerian Disks
Orthogonal non-Gaussianities from Dirac-Born-Infeld Galileon inflation
Orthographic Correlations in Astrophysics
Oscillating Bispectra and Galaxy Clustering: A Novel Probe of Inflationary Physics with Large-Scale Structure
Oscillating nonlinear large scale structure in growing neutrino quintessence
Oscillating phantom in $F(R)$ gravity
Oscillations in the bispectrum
Oscillations in the dark energy EoS: new MCMC lessons
Oscillations in the inflaton potential: Exact numerical analysis and comparison with the recent and forthcoming CMB datasets
Oscillations in the Primordial Bispectrum I: Mode Expansion
Oscillons After Inflation
OTELO Survey: Deep BVRI broadband photometry of the Groth strip. II Properties of X-ray Emitters
Our changing view of the blue compact dwarf NGC 2915
Our Milky Way as a Pure-Disk Galaxy -- A Challenge for Galaxy Formation
Outer disks of lenticular galaxies