Optimal limits on f_{NL}^{local} from WMAP 5-year data
Optimal linear reconstruction of dark matter from halo catalogs
Optimal Mass Configurations for Lensing High-Redshift Galaxies
Optimal Polyspectra Estimation
Optimal strategies : theoretical approaches to the parametrization of the dark energy equation of state
Optimal Time-Series Selection of Quasars
Optimal Trispectrum Estimators and WMAP Constraints
Optimising Boltzmann codes for the Planck era
Optimising cosmic shear surveys to measure modifications to gravity on cosmic scales
Optimized detection of shear peaks in weak lensing maps
Optimized Multi-Frequency Spectra for Applications in Radiative Feedback and Cosmological Reionization
Optimizing baryon acoustic oscillation surveys II: curvature, redshifts, and external datasets
Optimizing future dark energy surveys for model selection goals
Optimizing future experimental probes of inflation
Optimizing Observational Strategy for Future Fgas Constraints
Optimizing Pulsar Timing Arrays to Maximize Gravitational Wave Single Source Detection: a First Cut
Optimizing weak lensing mass estimates for cluster profile uncertainty
Optimum frequency band for radio polarisation observations
Orbit of the Large Magellanic Cloud in a Dynamical Model for the Local Group
Orbit-Based Dynamical Models of the Sombrero Galaxy (NGC 4594)