Optical Spectroscopy and Nebular Oxygen Abundances of the Spitzer/SINGS Galaxies
Optical Spectroscopy of Distant Red Galaxies
Optical Spectroscopy of Halpha Filaments in Cool Core Clusters: Kinematics, Reddening, and Sources of Ionization
Optical spectroscopy of the gamma-ray bright blazars PKS 0447-439 and PMN J0630-24
Optical Spectroscopy of the Somewhat Peculiar Type IIb Supernova 2001ig
Optical Variability and Colour Behaviour of 3C 345
Optical variability of radio-intermediate quasars
Optical vs. infrared studies of dusty galaxies and AGN: (I) Nebular emission lines
Optical-NIR spectra of quasars close to reionization (z~ 6)
Optical/UV/X-ray Insights into the RL--RQ Dichotomy
Optically Faint Radio Sources: Reborn AGN?
Optically faint X-ray sources in the CDFN: Spitzer constraints
Optically Selected BL Lacertae Candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Seven
Optically Selected Compact Stellar Regions and Tidal Dwarf Galaxies in (Ultra)-Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Optimal Binning of the Primordial Power Spectrum
Optimal Black Holes are the Cosmological Objects, which Minimize Volume of Information in Areas of the Universe and in the Universe as a Whole
Optimal capture of non-Gaussianity in weak lensing surveys: power spectrum, bispectrum and halo counts
Optimal Constraints on Local Primordial Non-Gaussianity from the Two-Point Statistics of Large-Scale Structure
Optimal filtering of optical and weak lensing data to search for galaxy clusters: application to the COSMOS field
Optimal filters for detecting cosmic bubble collisions