Median statistics and the Hubble constant
Megamaser detection and nuclear obscuration in Seyfert galaxies
MEM and CLEAN Imaging of VLBA Polarisation Observations of Compact Active Galactic Nuclei
Merger and non-merger galaxy clusters in cosmological AMR simulations
Merger History of Galaxies and Disk+Bulge Formation
Merger induced scatter and bias in the cluster mass - Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect scaling relation
Merger rates of dark matter haloes from merger trees in the extended Press-Schechter theory
Mergers and Bulge Formation in Lambda-CDM: Which Mergers Matter?
Mergers and interactions in SDSS type 2 quasars at z~0.3-0.4. SDSS J143027.66-005614.8: a case study
Mergers in Double-Peaked [O III] Active Galactic Nuclei
Mergers in Lambda-CDM: Uncertainties in Theoretical Predictions and Interpretations of the Merger Rate
Mergers of luminous early-type galaxies
Mergers of Unequal Mass Galaxies: Supermassive Black Hole Binary Evolution and Structure of Merger Remnants
Mergers, AGN, and 'Normal' Galaxies: Contributions to the Distribution of Star Formation Rates and Infrared Luminosity Functions
Merging and Clustering of the Swift BAT AGN Sample
Merging and fragmentation in the Burgers dynamics
Merging Galaxy Cluster Abell 2255 in Mid-Infrared
Merging Galaxy Clusters: Offset Between the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and X-ray Peaks
Merging history of three bimodal clusters
Merging Rates of the First Objects and the Formation of First Mini-Filaments in Models with Massive Neutrinos