Inflation and Reheating in Induced Gravity
Inflation and the Scale Dependent Spectral Index: Prospects and Strategies
Inflation driven by particle creation
Inflation from N-Forms and its stability
Inflation with General Initial Conditions for Scalar Perturbations
Inflation, Quantum Field Renormalization, and CMB Anisotropies
Inflation-Dark Matter unified through Quantum Generation
Inflationary Correlation Functions without Infrared Divergences
Inflationary magnetic fields spoil the homogeneity and isotropy of the Universe
Inflationary perturbation theory is geometrical optics in phase space
Inflationary Perturbations in Anisotropic, Shear-Free Universes
Inflationary signatures of single-field models beyond slow-roll
Inflaton Fragmentation and Oscillon Formation in Three Dimensions
Inflaton fragmentation: Emergence of pseudo-stable inflaton lumps (oscillons) after inflation
Inflaton or Curvaton? Constraints on Bimodal Primordial Spectra from Mixed Perturbations
Inflaton Two-Point Correlation in the Presence of a Cosmic String
Inflection point inflation: WMAP constraints and a solution to the fine-tuning problem
Inflow of the Broad-Line Region and the Fundamental Limitations of Reverberation Mapping
Inflows and outflows in nearby active galactic nuclei from integral field spectroscopy
Influence of AGN jets on the magnetized ICM