Improved constraints on the expansion rate of the Universe up to z~1.1 from the spectroscopic evolution of cosmic chronometers
Improved Constraints on the Gravitational Lens Q0957+561. I. Weak Lensing
Improved Constraints on the Gravitational Lens Q0957+561. II. Strong Lensing
Improved constraints on the primordial power spectrum at small scales from ultracompact minihalos
Improved Constraints on Type Ia Supernova Host Galaxy Properties using Multi-Wavelength Photometry and their Correlations with Supernova Properties
Improved cosmological constraints on the curvature and equation of state of dark energy
Improved Dark Energy Constraints from ~100 New CfA Supernova Type Ia Light Curves
Improved Dark Energy Detection through the Polarization-assisted WMAP-NVSS ISW Correlation
Improved distance determination to M51 from supernovae 2011dh and 2005cs
Improved Distances to Type Ia Supernovae with Two Spectroscopic Subclasses
Improved foreground removal in GMRT 610 MHz observations towards redshifted 21-cm tomography
Improved limits on short-wavelength gravitational waves from the cosmic microwave background
Improved Limits on Spin-Dependent WIMP-Proton Interactions from a Two Liter CF$_3$I Bubble Chamber
Improved measurements of the intergalactic medium temperature around quasars: possible evidence for the initial stages of He-II reionisation at z~6
Improved measurements of the temperature and polarization of the CMB from QUaD
Improved Method for Detecting Local Discontinuities in CMB data by Finite Differencing
Improved Modeling of the Mass Distribution of Disk Galaxies by the Einasto Halo Model
Improved Models for Cosmic Infrared Background Anisotropies: New Constraints on the IR Galaxy Population
Improved Photometric Redshifts with Surface Luminosity Priors
Improved redshifts for SDSS quasar spectra