Implicit Priors in Galaxy Cluster Mass and Scaling Relation Determinations
Importance of far-infrared mapping in a spiral galaxy: AKARI observation of M81
Imprint of Accretion Disk-Induced Migration on Gravitational Waves from Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals
Imprint of the merger and ring-down on the gravitational wave background from black hole binaries coalescence
Imprints of a hemispherical power asymmetry in the seven-year WMAP data due to non-commutativity of space-time
Imprints of anisotropic inflation on the cosmic microwave background
Imprints of Dark Energy on Cosmic Structure Formation I) Realistic Quintessence Models and the Non-Linear Matter Power Spectrum
Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation: II) Non-Universality of the halo mass function
Imprints of dynamical dark energy on weak-lensing measurements
Imprints of primordial non-Gaussianities in X-ray and SZ signals from galaxy clusters
Imprints of primordial non-Gaussianity on the number counts of cosmic shear peaks
Imprints of the QCD Phase Transition on the Spectrum of Gravitational Waves
Improved and Quality-assessed Emission and Absorption Line measurements in Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies
Improved CMB Map from WMAP Data
Improved collision strengths and line ratios for forbidden [O III] far-infrared and optical lines
Improved composite spectra of quasars within the HI Lyα-forest region
Improved constraints on cosmic microwave background secondary anisotropies from the complete 2008 South Pole Telescope data
Improved constraints on cosmological parameters from SNIa data
Improved Constraints on Inelastic Dark Matter
Improved constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity for the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 5-yr data