Infrared Luminosities and Dust Properties of z ~ 2 Dust-Obscured Galaxies
Infrared Luminosity Functions of AKARI-SDSS Galaxies
Infrared Narrow-Band Tomography of the Local Starburst NGC 1569 with LBT/LUCIFER
Infrared properties of the SDSS-maxBCG galaxy clusters
Infrared Spectra and Spectral Energy Distributions for Dusty Starbursts and AGN
Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Seyfert Galaxies: Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the 12 micron Sample of Active Galaxies
Infrared Spectroscopy of Halos of Edge-on Galaxies
Infrared-Faint Radio Sources: A Cosmological View - AGN Number Counts, the Cosmic X-Ray Background and SMBH Formation
Infrared/optical - X-ray simultaneous observations of X-ray flares in GRB 071112C and GRB 080506
Inhomogeneities and cosmological expansion
Inhomogeneities in the universe
Inhomogeneity and the foundations of concordance cosmology
Inhomogeneity effects in Cosmology
Inhomogeneity-induced variance of cosmological parameters
Inhomogeneous cosmological models: exact solutions and their applications
Inhomogeneous Metal Distribution in the Intra-Cluster Medium
Inhomogeneous non-Gaussianity
Inhomogeneous vacuum energy
Initial conditions for small-field inflation
Inner Polar Rings and Disks: Observed Properties