Influence of baryonic physics on the merger time-scale of galaxies in N-body/hydrodynamical simulations
Influence of baryons on the orbital structure of dark matter haloes
Influence of cosmological models on the GZK horizon of ultrahigh energy protons
Influence of gravitational microlensing on broad absorption lines of QSOs: The case of the Fe K$α$ line
Influence of Low Energy Hadronic Interactions on Air-shower Simulations
Influence of major merger on radio emission of elliptical galaxies
Influence of Microlensing on Spectral Anomaly of Lensed Objects
Influence of Projection in Cluster Cosmology Studies
Influence of the Environment on PAH Emission in Star-Forming Regions
Influence of the Local Void on measurements of the clustering dipole
Information Content in the Angular Power Spectrum of Weak Lensing: Wavelet Method
Infra-red emission line tomography of the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization
Infrared 3-4 Micron Spectroscopy of Nearby PG QSOs and AGN-Nuclear Starburst Connections in High-luminosity AGN Populations
Infrared and Ultraviolet Star Formation in Brightest Cluster Galaxies in the ACCEPT Sample
Infrared Dark Clouds in the Small Magellanic Cloud?
Infrared divergence of pure Einstein gravity contributions to cosmological density power spectrum
Infrared effects in inflationary correlation functions
Infrared Emission from High-Redshift Galaxies in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Infrared identification of IGR J09026-4812 as a Seyfert 1 galaxy
Infrared Luminosities and Aromatic Features in the 24um Flux Limited Sample of 5MUSES