Hunting for Isocurvature Modes in the CMB non-Gaussianities
Hunting for Primordial Non-Gaussianity in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Hybrid Inflation: Multi-field Dynamics and Cosmological Constraints
Hydrodynamic Models of Radio Galaxy Morphology: Winged and X-shaped Sources
Hydrodynamic simulations of correlation and scatter in galaxy cluster maps
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Merging Galaxy Clusters: Non-Equilibrium Ionization State and Two-Temperature Structure
Hydrodynamical simulations and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation: two sides of the same coin
Hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters in dark energy cosmologies: I. general properties
Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy Clusters with Galcons
Hydrodynamics of high-redshift galaxy collisions: From gas-rich disks to dispersion-dominated mergers and compact spheroids
Hydrogen 21-cm Intensity Mapping at redshift 0.8
Hydrogen Balmer Emission Lines and the Complex Broad Line Region Structure
Hydrogen Self Shielding in a Quasar Proximity Zone
Hydrostatic equilibrium profiles for gas in elliptical galaxies
Hydrostatic Gas Constraints on Supermassive Black Hole Masses: Implications for Hydrostatic Equilibrium and Dynamical Modelling in a Sample of Early-Type Galaxies
Hyperluminous infrared galaxies from IIFSCz
HyRec: A fast and highly accurate primordial hydrogen and helium recombination code
H_2 emission arises outside photodissociation regions in ultra-luminous infrared galaxies
H_2O maser and a plasma obscuring torus in the radio galaxy NGC 1052