Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background from Kinks and Cusps on Cosmic Strings
Gravitationally Consistent Halo Catalogs and Merger Trees for Precision Cosmology
Gravitationally lensed quasars and supernovae in future wide-field optical imaging surveys
Gravitino Dark Matter and Non-Gaussianity
Gravito-magnetic amplification in cosmology
Gravitomagnetic effects of a massive and slowly rotating sphere with an equatorial mass current on orbiting test particles
Graviton production in anti-de Sitter braneworld cosmology: A fully consistent treatment of the boundary condition
Graviton production in non-inflationary cosmology
Gravitons production in a new type of GCG
Gravity and Large-Scale Non-local Bias
Gravity and non-gravity mediated couplings in multiple-field inflation
Gravity at Work: How the Build-Up of Environments Shape Galaxy Properties
Gravity heats the Universe
Gravity Waves as a Probe of Hubble Expansion Rate During An Electroweak Scale Phase Transition
Gravity waves from the non-renormalizable Electroweak Vacua phase transition
Gravity-driven Lyman-alpha blobs from cold streams into galaxies
Gravothermal collapse of isolated self-interacting dark matter haloes: N-body simulation versus the fluid model
GRB 070125 and the environments of spectral-line poor afterglow absorbers
GRB 081029: Understanding Multiple Afterglow Components
GRB 090417B and its Host Galaxy: A Step Towards an Understanding of Optically-Dark Gamma-Ray Bursts