Galactic Plane image sharpness as a check on cosmic microwave background mapmaking
Galactic Scale Absorption Outflow in the Low Luminosity Quasar IRAS~F04250-5718: HST/COS Observations
Galactic star formation in parsec-scale resolution simulations
Galactic Substructure and Energetic Neutrinos from the Sun and the Earth
Galactic Winds and Extended Lya Emission from the Host Galaxies of High Column Density QSO Absorption Systems
Galactic winds driven by cosmic-ray streaming
Galacticus: A Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation
Galaxies and Cladistics
Galaxies and Environment of the Clusters of Galaxies CL 0024+1654 and RX J0152.7-1357
Galaxies and Groups in the Local Supercluster
Galaxies and the Local Universe with WFXT
Galaxies at High Redshift and Reionization
Galaxies at Redshift ~0.5 Around Three Closely Spaced Quasar Sightlines
Galaxies at z = 6 - 9 from the WFC3/IR imaging of the HUDF
Galaxies in a Simulated $Λ$CDM Universe II: Observable Properties and Constraints on Feedback
Galaxies in LCDM with Halo Abundance Matching: luminosity-velocity relation, baryonic mass-velocity relation, velocity function and clustering
Galaxies in X-ray Groups I: Robust Membership Assignment and the Impact of Group Environments on Quenching
Galaxies probing galaxies: cool halo gas from a z = 0.47 post-starburst galaxy
Galaxies spatially coincident with the JKCS041 X-ray emission display a red sequence at z~2.2
Galaxies-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation --I. Galaxy formation as a function of large-scale environment