Early-type galaxies at large galactocentric radii - I. Stellar kinematics and photometric properties
Early-type galaxies at large galactocentric radii - II. Metallicity gradients, and the [Z/H]--mass, [alpha/Fe]--mass relations
Early-Type galaxies at z ~ 1.3. III. On the dependence of Formation Epochs and Star Formation Histories on Stellar Mass and Environment
Early-type galaxies at z~1.3. II. Masses and ages of early-type galaxies in different environments and their dependence on stellar population model assumptions
Early-type galaxies at z~1.3. IV. Scaling relations in different environments
Early-type galaxies in different environments: an HI view
Early-type galaxies in the PEARS survey: Probing the stellar populations at moderate redshift
EBEX: A balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment
EBL studies with ground-based VHE gamma-ray detectors: Current status and potential of next-generation instruments
Ecology of galaxy stellar populations from optical spectroscopic surveys
ECOSMOG: An Efficient Code for Simulating Modified Gravity
Eddington's theory of gravity and its progeny
Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity: astrophysical and cosmological constraints
Eddington-limited accretion and the black hole mass function at redshift 6
EDELWEISS-II Dark Matter Search : status and first results
Editorial note to "Large number coincidences and the anthropic principle in cosmology"
Effect of a dark matter halo on the determination of black hole masses
Effect of accretion on primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke theory
Effect of asymmetry of the radio source distribution on the apparent proper motion kinematic analysis
Effect of Background Evolution on the Curvaton Non-Gaussianity