Dark Matter implications of the Fermi-LAT measurement of anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background: status report
Dark matter in dwarf galaxies of the Local Group
Dark Matter in Elliptical Galaxies
Dark Matter in Modern Cosmology
Dark Matter in Universe as the Geometry of Empty Space
Dark matter merging induced turbulence as an efficient engine for gas cooling
Dark matter powered stars: Constraints from the extragalactic background light
Dark matter response to galaxy formation
Dark Matter Results from 100 Live Days of XENON100 Data
Dark matter scaling relations in intermediate z haloes
Dark Matter Search Experiments
Dark Matter Search Using XMM-Newton Observations of Willman 1
Dark matter seeding and the kinematics and rotation of neutron stars
Dark Matter Seeding in Neutron Stars
Dark Matter Structures in the Universe: Prospects for Optical Astronomy in the Next Decade
Dark Matter Sub-Halo Counts via Star Stream Crossings
Dark matter substructure and dwarf galactic satellites
Dark Matter Substructure, Filaments and Assembling Disks
Dark Matter tested with satellites
Dark Matter that can form Dark Stars