Dark Matter Decaying into a Fermi Sea of Neutrinos
Dark matter density profiles of the halos embedding early-type galaxies: characterizing halo contraction and dark matter annihilation strength
Dark Matter Detection with Polarized Detectors
Dark matter distribution in galaxy groups from combined strong lensing and dynamics analysis
Dark matter dominated dwarf disc galaxy Segue 1
Dark matter from dark energy-baryonic matter couplings
Dark Matter from the Inflaton Field
Dark matter growth and baryon bias in an accelerating universe
Dark Matter Halo Growth II: Diffuse Accretion and its Environmental Dependence
Dark Matter Halo Mass Profiles
Dark Matter Halo Mergers I: Dependence on Environment & Redshift Evolution
Dark matter halo occupation: environment and clustering
Dark Matter Halo Profiles of Massive Clusters: Theory vs. Observations
Dark Matter haloes as probes of modified gravity
Dark matter haloes determine the masses of supermassive black holes
Dark Matter Halos and Evolution of Bars in Disk Galaxies: Collisionless Models Revisited
Dark Matter Halos and Evolution of Bars in Disk Galaxies: Varying Gas Fraction and Gas Spatial Resolution
Dark matter halos around isolated ellipticals
Dark Matter Halos from the Inside Out
Dark Matter Halos: The Dynamical Basis of Effective Empirical Models