Cross-Correlation of Diffuse Synchrotron and Large-Scale Structures
Cross-Correlation of spectroscopic and photometric galaxy surveys: cosmology from lensing and redshift distortions
Cross-correlation of the HI 21-cm Signal and Lyman-alpha Forest: A Probe Of Cosmology
Cross-correlation of WISE Galaxies with the Cosmic Microwave Background
Cross-correlation Study between the Cosmological 21-cm Signal and the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
Cross-correlations of the Lyman-alpha forest with weak lensing convergence I: Analytical Estimates of S/N and Implications for Neutrino Mass and Dark Energy
Cross-entropy optimiser: a new tool to study precession in astrophysical jets
Cross-Identification Performance from Simulated Detections: GALEX and SDSS
Cross-Power Spectrum and Its Application on Window Functions in the WMAP data
Crossing $w=-1$ by a single scalar field coupling with matter and the observational constraints
Crossing Statistic: Bayesian interpretation, model selection and resolving dark energy parametrization problem
Crossing Statistic: Reconstructing the Expansion History of the Universe
Crossing the cosmological constant barrier with kinetically interacting double quintessence
Crossing the phantom divide
Crossing the Phantom Divide in Extended Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Gravity
Crossing the phantom divide with a classical Dirac field
CS 5-4 survey toward nearby IR bright galaxies
CS, HC3N and CH3CCH multi-line analyses towards starburst galaxies. The evolution of cloud structures in the central regions of galaxies
Curing singularities in cosmological evolution of F(R) gravity
Current constraints on the cosmic growth history