Cosmological surveys with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
Cosmological Tests of General Relativity with Future Tomographic Surveys
Cosmological tests of General Relativity: a principal component analysis
Cosmological Tests of Gravity
Cosmological tests of sudden future singularities
Cosmological Tests Plagued by Small-Scale Inhomogeneities
Cosmological X-ray Scattering from Intergalactic Dust
Cosmological-model-independent tests for the distance-duality relation from Galaxy Clusters and Type Ia Supernova
Cosmologies with a time dependent vacuum
Cosmologists in the dark
Cosmology and Astrophysics without Dark Energy and Dark Matter
Cosmology and Cluster Halo Scaling Relations
Cosmology and entanglement
Cosmology and Fundamental Physics and their Laboratory Astrophysics Connections
Cosmology at the boundary of de Sitter using the dS/QFT correspondence
Cosmology based on f(R) Gravity admits 1 eV Sterile Neutrinos
Cosmology from the Highly-Redshifted 21 cm Line
Cosmology in One Dimension: Fractal Geometry, Power Spectra and Correlation
Cosmology in the Newtonian limit
Cosmology of a covariant Galileon field