Cosmological implications of a Dark Matter self-interaction energy density
Cosmological Implications of a Stellar Initial Mass Function that Varies with the Jeans Mass in Galaxies
Cosmological implications of a viable non-analytical f(R)-gravity model
Cosmological Implications of the Tetron Model of Elementary Particles
Cosmological Imprints of a Generalized Chaplygin Gas Model for the Early Universe
Cosmological Imprints of Pre-Inflationary Particles
Cosmological information in Gaussianised weak lensing signals
Cosmological Information in Weak Lensing Peaks
Cosmological Large-scale Structures beyond Linear Theory in Modified Gravity
Cosmological lepton asymmetry with a nonzero mixing angle θ_{13}
Cosmological Limits on Hidden Sector Dark Matter
Cosmological magnetic field survival
Cosmological Magnetic Fields from Inflation and Backreaction
Cosmological magnetic fields from inflation in extended electromagnetism
Cosmological magnetic helicity and birefrigence from primordial torsion in Lorentz violation theories
Cosmological matching conditions for gravitational waves at second order
Cosmological Measurements with Forthcoming Radio Continuum Surveys
Cosmological MHD simulations of cluster formation with anisotropic thermal conduction
Cosmological Model with a Local Void: New Supernova Constraints
Cosmological Model-independent Gamma-ray Bursts Calibration and its Cosmological Constraint to Dark Energy