Cosmological constraints from supernova data set with corrected redshift
Cosmological constraints from the capture of non-Gaussianity in Weak Lensing data
Cosmological Constraints from the Clustering of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 Luminous Red Galaxies
Cosmological Constraints from the SDSS maxBCG Cluster Catalog
Cosmological Constraints on a Massive Neutrino
Cosmological Constraints on DGP Braneworld Gravity with Brane Tension
Cosmological constraints on extended Galileon models
Cosmological constraints on generalized Chaplygin gas model: Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach
Cosmological constraints on non-standard inflationary quantum collapse models
Cosmological constraints on parameters of one-brane models with extra dimension
Cosmological Constraints on Rapid Roll Inflation
Cosmological Constraints on the DGP braneworld model with Gamma-ray bursts
Cosmological constraints on the generalized holographic dark energy
Cosmological Constraints on the Higgs Boson Mass
Cosmological constraints on the Hu-Sawicki modified gravity scenario
Cosmological Constraints on the Undulant Universe
Cosmological correlation functions in scalar and vector inflationary models
Cosmological CPT Violation and CMB Polarization Measurements
Cosmological data analysis of f(R) gravity models
Cosmological Density Fluctuations on 100Mpc Scales and their ISW Effect