Cosmological backreaction
Cosmological Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer condensate as dark energy
Cosmological Birefringence: an Astrophysical test of Fundamental Physics
Cosmological bounds on tachyonic neutrinos
Cosmological concordance or chemical coincidence? Deuterated molecular hydrogen abundances at high redshift
Cosmological consequences of a possible $Λ$-dark matter interaction
Cosmological Consequences of Exponential Gravity in Palatini Formalism
Cosmological Constant Behavior in DBI Theory
Cosmological Constant from Decoherence
Cosmological Constant, Dark Matter, and Electroweak Phase Transition
Cosmological constant, violation of cosmological isotropy and CMB
Cosmological Constraint and Analysis on Holographic Dark Energy Model Characterized by the Conformal-age-like Length
Cosmological constraints for the Cosmic Defect theory
Cosmological Constraints from a 31 GHz Sky Survey with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array
Cosmological constraints from CMB distortion
Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and the Mass-to-Number Ratio of Galaxy Clusters
Cosmological Constraints from Gravitational Lens Time Delays
Cosmological constraints from Radial Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurements and Observational Hubble data
Cosmological Constraints from Strong Gravitational Lensing in Galaxy Clusters
Cosmological Constraints from Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-Selected Clusters with X-ray Observations in the First 178 Square Degrees of the South Pole Telescope Survey