Cosmic microwave background constraints on cosmological models with large-scale isotropy breaking
Cosmic microwave background constraints on the duration and timing of reionization from the South Pole Telescope
Cosmic Microwave Background Delensing Revisited: Residual Biases and a Simple Fix
Cosmic Microwave Background Images
Cosmic Microwave Background Mini-review
Cosmic Microwave Background Observables of Small Field Models of Inflation
Cosmic Microwave Background Trispectrum and Primordial Magnetic Field Limits
Cosmic microwave background with Brans-Dicke gravity II: constraints with the WMAP and SDSS data
Cosmic microwave background with Brans-Dicke Gravity: I. Covariant Formulation
Cosmic Neutrino Last Scattering Surface
Cosmic Optical Background: the View from Pioneer 10/11
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph and FUSE Observations of T ~ 10^5 K Gas In A Nearby Galaxy Filament
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Detection of Ne VIII Tracing Warm - Hot Gas Towards PKS 0405-123
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Observations of the Chemical Composition of LMC N132D
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Observations of Warm Intervening Gas Towards 3C263
Cosmic Parallax as a probe of late time anisotropic expansion
Cosmic Parallax in Ellipsoidal Universe
Cosmic perturbations with running G and Lambda
Cosmic Polarization Rotation, Cosmological Models, and the Detectability of Primordial Gravitational Waves
Cosmic queuing: galaxy satellites, building blocks and the hierarchical clustering paradigm